Epistemes from beyond the Atlantic: Paths to decolonizing knowledge in Critical Discourse Studies (CDS)
Worskop by Dr. Litiane Barbosa Macedo, professor in the Department of Foreign Language and Literature at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (DLLE/UFSC) Studies, with her Postgraduate Studies in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies (PPGI/UFSC).
Date and Time:
7 March 2024
5pm-8pm (CET/UCT+1 Time Zone)
In-person event at the Centre of Discourse Studies (Plaça del Bonsuccés, 7, entresuelo 6, 08001 Barcelona) with option of attending online (Zoom)
Language: Portuguese
Registration form:
This is a free event, but registration is required and spaces are limited.
About this workshop:
In this workshop, we will present some reflections on Brazilian academic productions that aim to decolonize the field of knowledge of Critical Discourse Studies (CDS). To this end, we will begin with a brief overview of Latin American Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC-LA) and the Decolonial Project, seeking to point out the principles of this epistemic-political intersection, taking into account its growth in academic productions in recent years, especially in Brazil. Subsequently, in order to exemplify possible theoretical-methodological paths for the decolonization of knowledge in ECD, we will discuss some recent approaches produced in the Brazilian context, such as the contributions of Afroperspectivist epistemes in the production of critical discursive knowledge (MACEDO, 2022, 2023a; 2023b.) and the proposal of Intersectional Critical Discourse Analysis (CARVALHO, prelo). Finally, we will point out, through analytical examples of discourses of resistance and reexistence (SOUZA, 2009, SANTOS; SANTOS, 2022; CARVALHO, prelo) how the theoretical-methodological proposals mentioned above operate. In this sense, the approaches presented seek to contribute to the decolonization of knowledge about discourse, in the sense of going beyond the denunciation of asymmetrical practices of power under the discursive bias to aim for "social justice", but rather for a justice that is also "cognitive" (BERNARDINO-COSTA ET AL, 2019; RUFINO, 2019; MACEDO, 2023).
Bernardino-Costa, J., Maldonado-Torres, N., & Grosfoguel, R. (2019). Introdução: Decolonialidade e pensamento afrodiaspórico. In Bernardino-Costa, J., Maldonado-Torres, N., & Grosfoguel, R. Decolonialidade e Pensamento Afrodiaspórico (Ser. Coleção Cultura Negra e Identidades, pp. 79–106). Autêntica.
Carvalho, A. B (prelo). O discurso na encruzilhada: propondo a análise de discurso crítica interseccional (dissertation).
Macedo, L. B. (2022). Enegrecendo os Estudos Críticos Discursivos: Contribuições Epistemológicas Afroperspectivistas para o campo da análise crítica do Discurso no Brasil. Trabalhos Em Linguística Aplicada, 61(1), 251–264.
Macedo, L. B. (2023a). Intersecting afroperspective thinking and critical discourse analysis: possibilities to decolonize discursive studies. In: BARROS, Solange de; RESENDE, Viviane. Coloniality in Discourse Studies: a radical critique. Nova York: Routledge, 2023. Cap. 4. p. 52-66.
Macedo, L.B. (2023b). Notas em negrito: contribuiç õões das epistemes afroperspectivistas contra os ruíídos coloniais na produç ãão de saberes no campo dos Estudos Crííticos do Discurso. Discurso & Sociedad, 17(4), 652-676.
Rufino, L. (2019). Pedagogia das encruzilhadas. Móórula Editorial.
Santos, G., & Santos, D. S. (2022). Epistemologias de reexistência: Um Diálogo Teórico-Metodológico entre interseccionalidade e aquilombagem crítica. Revista Brasileira de Educação, 27, 555–572.
Souza, A. L. L. (2009). Letramentos de Reexistência: culturas e identidades no movimento hip-hop (thesis).
Litiane Barbosa Macedo is currently a professor in the Department of Foreign Language and Literature at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (DLLE/UFSC). She has a degree in English Language and Literature from UFSC (2010), a second degree in Pedagogy from Faculdade Educacional da Lapa (2021), a master's degree (2014) and a doctorate (2018) in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies from UFSC. She has experience in Linguistics, with an emphasis on Applied Linguistics, working mainly in the following areas: Critical Discourse Analysis; Systemic Functional Grammar; Multimodality; Language Studies and Intersectionalities; Translation Studies; Decolonial Studies; Gender Studies in African contexts; Anti-racist Education. Her recent publications discuss: discourses and gender dynamics in Cape Verdean contexts; contributions of black epistemes to decolonize Critical Discourse Studies; critical and anti-racist teaching in Additional Language classroom contexts. She is a member of the following study/research groups: NuGAL/UFSC - Center for Gender Studies through Language; AFECTO/UnB - Faircloughian Approaches to the Textually Oriented Body/Discourse; REDIGE/UnB - Discourse and Gender Network; LabEC/UnB - Laboratory of Critical Discourse Studies.