Visiting Scholars
Each year, the Centre of Discourse Studies receives visiting scholars from around the globe. Visitors are expected to share their diverse research backgrounds and perspectives by participating in and hosting workshops, seminars, courses, and other events at the Centre. Apart from gaining a connection to a network of students and researchers with interdisciplinary interests in the growing field of Discourse Studies, visitors also receive unlimited access to the Centre's expanding library, free registration in courses and other activities organized by the Centre, and research guidance from Prof. Teun van Dijk.
Visitors are accepted on a rolling basis. Students and professors interested in becoming Visiting Scholars (advanced graduate students) and Visiting Senior Scholars (professors, lecturers, etc.) may send their CV and a letter of interest, which should include a description of the scholar's research and the specific dates during which they would like to carry out the research stay, to
Appointments with Teun van Dijk
The Centre is pleased to offer visiting and mentoring appointments with Dr. Teun van Dijk for scholars both permanently and temporarily located in Barcelona.
To schedule a visit we ask that you fill out this appointment form and send it to