The Centre of Discourse Studies collaborates with institutional and independent research and activist groups concerned with the use of discourse in society. Below you can find information about projects we are currently developing in collaboration with researchers and activists from institutions and organizations around the world.
As has been the case in the USA and Europe, political polarization is widespread in Latin America. The recent election of left-wing presidents in Brazil, Colombia and Chile, and the still strong forces of the (far) right in these countries, are the context of a multidisciplinary project on discourse and political polarization in these countries, and among Brazilian migrants in Spain. The project consists of sub-projects that combines ethnographic and discourse analytical studies of citizens who voted for Left and Right parties in the recent elections, through interviews, and their discursive contexts such as the discourses of politicians, parties and organizations.
The project is directed by Patricia Gouveia (Barcelona), Viviane Resende (Brasilia), Daniel Silva (Florianopolis, Brazil), Sandra Soler (Bogotá, Colombia), and Camila Cárdenas (Valdivia, Chile) and coordinated by Teun A. van Dijk at the Centre of Discourse Studies, Barcelona.
See full presentation of the project here.
Publications of the Project
Access to publication in pdf here.
Patricia Gouveia (2024) "DOIS ‘BRASIS’ (INTER)MEDIADOS DE LONGE:
um olhar perspectivo sobre interpelações sociopolíticas de brasileiros emigrados em Espanha"
Access to publication in pdf here.
Patricia Gouveia (2024) "NARRATIVIDADES REFLEXIVAS DE BRASILEIROS EMIGRADOS DE PERFIL (NEO)CONSERVADOR: sujeitos, contextos e perspectivas sociopolíticas"
Access to publication in pdf here.
Patricia Gouveia (2024) “BRASIL, MOSTRA A TUA CARA”: 2013 - 2023; um contexto sociopolítico em ‘marcha’
Access to publication in pdf here.
Patricia Gouveia (2023) "BRASILEÑOS MOVILIZADOS EN TIEMPOS DE DISPUTA POLÍTICA: dos grupos observados durante la campaña presidencial de 2022"
Access to publication in pdf here.
Patricia Gouveia (2023) "UM PEDAÇO DO BRASIL NA ESPANHA: domínio temático-empírico, interações e dados"
Access to publication in pdf here.
Leading Participants of the Project
Teun A. van Dijk
Academic and Political-Institutional Coordination
Director and founder of the Centre of Discourse Studies, Teun A. van Dijk was professor of discourse studies at the University of Amsterdam until 2004, and is at present professor at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. After earlier work on generative poetics, text grammar, and the psychology of text processing, his work since 1980 takes a more critical perspective and deals with discursive racism, news in the press, ideology, knowledge and context. For more information on his research and publications visit:
Patricia Gouveia
Supervision of Regional Empirical Research 1 (Spain)
PhD in Cultural Anthropology in the Graduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS/UFRJ, 2003). Master's and Specialization in Social Sciences at the Rio de Janeiro State University (PPCIS/UERJ, 1990 - 1997). Licentiate and Bachelor in History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS/UFRJ, 1980 - 1986). Research Fellow at the Center of Discourse Studies - CDS - Barcelona. Coordinator of the Research Line 'Languages, Practices and Social Exclusion' at GEMAPP: Grupo de Elaboração, Monitoramento e Avaliação de Projetos Sociais (Group for the Elaboration, Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Projects). Work experience in the area of Social and Applied Anthropology, with emphasis on the following themes: Social Inequalities and Popular Manifestations; Memory, Experience and Aging; Social Work and Public Policies; Ethnography and Fieldwork (
Camila Cárdenas Neira
Regional Coordination 2 (Chile)
Professor of Language and Communication (2009) and Master in Communication (2011) from the Universidad Austral de Chile, and PhD in Translation and Language Sciences (2018) from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. Her areas of specialization are Critical Discourse Studies, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Social Semiotics, from which she has conducted teaching and research on the ideological representation of Chilean youth in recent history through verbal, visual and audiovisual modes.
Viviane Resende
Regional Coordination 3 (Brazil)
Viviane Resende, PhD in Linguistics (Language and Society) from the University of Brasília (UnB), is associate professor at the Department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages (LIP/UnB). She is a researcher at the Post-Graduate Program in Linguistics (PPGL/UnB), and works as an advisor in the area of Language and Society, specifically in Critical Discourse Studies. Coordinator of the Laboratory for Critical Discourse Studies (LabEC/UnB).
Daniel N. Silva
Regional Coordination 3 (Brazil)
Daniel N. Silva is Associate Professor of Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics and Applied Linguistics at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. He also collaborates in the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. He does fieldwork in the Complexo do Alemão favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Together with Jerry Lee, he is working on a book named Language as hope, focusing on the Black activism he follows in the field.
Sandra Soler
Regional Coordination 4 (Colombia)
Professor at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá. Her research interests focus on discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, and critical discourse analysis, and on topics such as gender, discrimination and racism. Some of her publications include Discurso y género en historias de vida (2004), "Racismo discursivo de élite en los textos escolaresciencias sociales" (2006) and "Racismo y discurso en Colombia: cinco siglosinvisibilidad y exclusión" (2007).