Changing Media Representations of the Terrorist Threat: The Case of the Has Fallen (2013-Present) Series
João Raphael da Silva (PhD Researcher)
Visiting Scholar at the Centre of Discourse Studies, Ph.D. Researcher at Ulster University’s School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences (Belfast, Northern Ireland/U.K.)
Day/ time:
28 July 2022, 17:00-18:00 (CEST/GMT +2)
Location: online
Language: English
This event is free but registration is required:
About the webinar:
Terrorism should not be seen as an unvarying phenomenon. Ideologies, tactics, weaponry, targets, and, consequently, the approaches that governments adopt to counter groups that use terrorism as a strategy tend to change over the years. Occasionally, these changes are absorbed by screenwriters. In the Has Fallen series (i.e., Olympus Has Fallen [2013], London Has Fallen [2016] and Angel Has Fallen [2019]), the U.S. Secret Service Agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) has the duty to protect the U.S. President (Aaron Eckhart/Morgan Freeman). Although the threat does not essentially change, the groups that pose it do so. In this webinar, João Raphael da Silva primarily applies the International Relations Securitization Theory (Buzan et al., 1998) while engaging with Criminology, Media Studies, and Terrorism Studies to demonstrate how the Has Fallen (2013-Present) series portrays terrorism and discusses how it echoed concurrent security discourses. It will be relevant to those learning and/or teaching within the above-mentioned areas as well as those who engage with Political Discourse Analysis (PDA) (van Dijk, 1997).