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Specialized Workshop: Discourse Studies applied to legal practices regarding gender-based violence

18 November - 11 December 2024

(Specific dates and times below)





200€ for full course (with the option to pay in installments)

50€ for one class session


Course certificate included



The registration deadline is November 11th

*Registration for full for course only. If you wish to register for an individual class session please contact us directly at

Taller especializado_Discurso jurídico y violencia de género.png



This specialized workshop aims to observe and understand how some methods and perspectives of discourse studies can be applied in the field of law to improve its practice. It will focus on the topic of gender-based violence for practical case studies. However, the workshop is not only aimed at professionals who deal with the issue of gender-based violence, but to all those interested in legal practices in all its fields. 

 A review of the legal process will be made from its epistemological approach, the creation of norms in the legislative field, the interpretation of the norm in the judicial context and the means of expert evidence to apply different analytical tools such as: critical discourse analysis, the identification of social representations and ideological mental models, the analysis of narratives and conversational analysis to provide new insights into the discourse of law. 

The workshop will be held from November 18 to December 11 (Monday and Wednesday of each week) and will consist of 7 sessions of 2 hours each. Each session will take place from 5pm to 7 pm (CET time zone). 



18 Nov. (Monday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone): 

Session by: Dr. Tania Campos, PhD in Anthropological Sciences, specialist in Qualitative Social Research. Her topics include ethnicity, legal pluralism and human rights.

Session theme: Law as a Discourse that constructs social realities; an epistemological review from the comprehensive paradigm

This session reviews the epistemological foundations of the comprehensive paradigm to understand how law generates discourses that construct legal and cultural realities.

20 Nov (Wednesday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone): 

Session by: Dr. Teun van Dijk, Director of the Centre of Discourse Studies and international reference for Critical Discourse Studies. Founder and editor of 6 international journals related to Poetics, Text (now Text and Conversation), Discourse and Society, Discourse Studies, Discourse and Communication and the Spanish-language Internet journal Discourse and Society.

Session theme: Ideology and social representations in the legal discourse

This session provides an understanding of how ideological mental models can construct social representations that shape certain types of discourses in law. 


25 Nov. (Monday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone): 

Session by: Dr. Susanna Pozzolo, Dr. Susanna Pozzolo is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Department of Law of the University of Brescia (Italy). Her lines of research have focused on the interpretation of law, conceptual analysis and gender studies. She has participated and led several European projects related to gender equity and is Director of the Centro di Ateneo LOG sugli Studi di Genere (University Center for Gender Studies).

Session theme: Critical conceptual analysis of the concepts of autonomy and vulnerability: reasoning and arguments to activate feminist heuristics of inclusion

From a critical legal perspective of the classical concept of autonomy, a new concept is proposed to helps explain and contextualize the real human actions of law enforcement in order to provide a form of heuristic argumentation that improves the identification of legal and social boundaries. 

27 Nov (Wednesday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone): 

Session by: Dr. Adriana Bolívar, PhD in Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. Co-founder, together with Teun van Dijk, of the Latin American Association of Discourse Studies (ALED). She has developed an interactional and critical linguistic method that she applies to scientific, political, and legal discourse. She examines gender violence through law initiatives.

Session theme: Law initiatives on gender violence: a linguistic, interactional and ideological analysis.

This session will examine the discourse of law initiatives against gender violence in Mexico, with the purpose of understanding how they are discursively constructed, taking into account linguistic, interactional, and ideological aspects. A sample of initiatives will be analyzed to show change according to the actors proposing the laws and their discursive and ideological strategies between 2004 and 2024.


2 Dec. (Monday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone): 

Session by: Dr. Caterina Canyelles, social and cultural anthropologist. In her book Machismo y Cultura Jurídica she carries out an ethnographic study of narratives that reveals a machista discourse that shapes the institutional violence that is reproduced in the judicial sphere.

Session theme: Judicial narratives in the legal culture with respect to gender violence

The legal expression of a society is congruent with the logic of the culture and society of which it is a part; it is its product. This session will analyze judicial narratives to unveil the discourse that supports the judicial culture around gender violence, which may perpetuate or reproduce patriarchal discourse itself.

4 Dec (Wednesday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone): 

Session by: Dr. . Sheila Queralt, Founder and director of the SQ-Lingüistas Forenses Laboratory. Consultant in forensic linguistics and discourse analysis. Director of the R+D+i Department in Forensic Linguistics at the SQ Laboratory and researcher and collaborator of the Center for Sociolinguistics and Communication Research of the UB.

Session theme: Conversational analysis in the field of forensics

This lecture aims to zoom in on the linguistic strategies in everyday conversation, which is analyzed in a judicial context and which have served as evidence for the resolution of judicial conflicts around gender violence. 

11 Dec (Wednesday), 17:00 to 19:00 (CET time zone):

Session by: Carolina Rea, collaborator of the Centre Discourse Studies in the area of discourse and law. She holds a Master's in Constitutional Law from the Universidad Iberoamericana and is a former Mexican civil servant. Her research interests are related to normative design, language and law, and the application of discourse studies to legal practice in human rights and cultural rights from a critical perspective.

Session theme: Practice and reflection session on the application of discourse studies to the legal field

This session will analyze and discuss some proposals and reflections made by the participants on how to apply the analytical tools of discourse studies to different legal practices.

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