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Dr. César Colorado

Centre of Discourse Studies


General information: 

8, 15, 22, and 29 June, 4:00pm- 7:00pm (CEST/UTC+2)

Total hours: 12

Location: online (Zoom)

Language: Spanish

Price: 120€ for full course (with the option to pay in installments)

30€ for 3-hour class sessions


Course certificate included


*Registration for full for course only. If you wish to register for an individual class session please contact: 

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Workshop description: 

The purpose of this workshop is to analyze texts based on some theories and methodologies that are part of Discourse Studies.

The workshop is completely practical, focused on analyzing texts. We will work with analytical categories such as transitivity (semantic roles: agentivity, patient, victim, etc.), modalization (deictics, modal verbs, etc.), some rhetorical resources (metaphors, metonymies, comparisons, number games, etc.), among others. Likewise, texts from different contexts will be analyzed: journalistic, political, advertising, literary, etc.

The workshop will be led by César Colorado, professor-researcher of the Centre of Discourse Studies. 


Month of June / Saturdays, 8, 15, 22 and 29, from 16:00 to 19:00.

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