Dialogue with Teun van Dijk: Social Movement Discourse
Join us for this talk with Teun van Dijk about his new book Social Movement Discourse.
This dialogue will be led by Camila Cárdenas (Universidad Austral de Chile), Gabriela L. GIammarini (Universidad Nacional de Villa María), and Paola Mancosu (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Date and Time:
11 October 2024
5pm (CEST/UCT+2 Time Zone)
Location: Hybrid Event
in person at the Centre of Discourse Studies (Plaça del Bonsuccés, 7, entresuelo 6, 08001 Barcelona) and online (Zoom)
Language: Spanish
This is a free event, but registration is required:

Teun van Dijk is Director of the Centre of Discourse Studies and an international reference for Critical Discourse Studies. He is the author an editor of numerous book in the area of Discourse studies and he is the founder of six international journals: Poetics, Text (now Text and Conversation), Discourse and Society, Discourse Studies, Discourse and Communication and the Spanish-language online journal Discourse and Society.

Camila Cárdenas-Neira is assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Communication at Universidad Austral de Chile and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre of Multilingualism, Discourse and Communication (MIRCo) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. She holds an MA in Communication and a PhD in Translation and Language Sciences from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. Her research interests include Critical Discourse Studies, Systemic Functional Linguistics, and Social Semiotics, and she has specialized on multimodal protest discourses in urban and digital spaces. Her most recent publications focus on the analysis of counter-hegemonic discourses constructed by student and feminist movements in Chile and Latin America.

Gabriela Luján Giammarini is professor of Language and Literature at the Universidad Nacional de Villa María, and holds a Master in Linguistics from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, she is also a teacher and researcher at the National University of Villa María. Her research interests include the study of resistance discourse and its approaches from the media as well as other research topics related to linguistic variation and literate practices.

Paola Mancosu holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona and she is a researcher in Spanish Language and Translation at the Università degli Studi di Milano. Her research interests focus on discourse analysis, with particular attention to (anti)racist and resistance discourse and its (self)representation in the media. She is also interested in postcolonial literary translation theory and self-translation.