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Course on Critical Discourse Analysis

Dr. César Rojo 
Centre of Discourse Studies

Date and Time

Saturday, November 9th, 16th, & 23rd 

11:00AM- 2:00PM


Centre of Discourse Studies
Plaça del Bonsuccés 7-6, Barcelona

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About this Course

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is first and foremost a political stance against injustice and discrimination. Its objective is to denounce the way in which discursive practices reproduce sexism, racism, social exclusion, stigmatization, among other problems.


But how do we do Critical Discourse Analysis? This is a frequent question that appears when facing our object of study, especially if we come from areas beyond CDA, like sociology, political science, social psychology, anthropology or law.

The purpose of this course is to show some theoretical and methodological tools for discursive analysis from a critical perspective.

This course is divided into three, three-hour classes. The first two classes are introductory and will be led by Dr. César Rojo of the Center of Discourse Studies. The third class focuses on the discourse analysis of a particular topic (mental health) and will be run by Dr. Martín Correa-Urquiza of the Rovira i Virgili University.


Saturday 9/11/2019, 11AM to 2PM

In this theoretical class, students will be introduced to the history and objectives of CDA. The class will also provide some of the theoretical models and methodologies used in discursive analysis.

Saturday, October 16/11/2019, 11AM to 2PM

This class will put the theories introduced in the previous lesson into practice. Students will be presented with the analysis of different textual samples extracted from various types of discourse (political, journalistic, advertising, etc.). The analyses are carried out taking into account different discursive (syntactic, semantic, rhetorical, etc.), cognitive (ideologies, prejudices, stereotypes, etc.) and contextual (social groups, institutions, etc.) dimensions.

Saturday 23/10/2019, 11AM to 2PM


In this class, we study a researched topic that has received little attention within the field of CDA: the relationships between discourse, identity, and mental health. Among other aspects, the class focuses predominantly on two relevant issues: What is the predominant discourse on mental health problems? And what impact does this discourse have on the identity of the people diagnosed?

Language: Spanish

Certificate: Yes

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