"Towards a disciplinary integration in Discourse Studies: a sociological perspective from the study of social movements."
A talk by Mauricio Esteban Alarcón Silva (PhD Candidate in Communication at Universidad de La Frontera and Universidad Austral de Chile; Visiting Scholar at the Centre of Discourse Studies)
Date and Time:
15 March 2023
In-person event at the Centre of Discourse Studies (Plaça del Bonsuccés, 7, entresuelo 6, 08001 Barcelona)
Language: Spanish
Registration form:
This is a free event, but registration is required and spaces are limited.
Talk description:
With this talk, we hope to generate a space for reflection and debate on the empirical efforts of disciplinary integration in a field of research that is assumed to be essentially transdisciplinary, such as Discourse Studies.
Taking a sociological approach to discourse analysis as a reference, integration becomes a complex exercise, as different theoretical and methodological traditions from each of the disciplines involved in this field of study come into play.
In order to operationalize the discussion, Mauricio will present social movements as an example of a phenomenon typically approached from sociological theory and which also undoubtedly involves a discursive dimension: political interaction, its origin and development, the role of the enunciator, the political context, the styles, channels of circulation, the shared meanings associated with certain activist cultural codes. In short, much or all of the collective action of the social movement is discursively mediated. But how do we overcome the methodological gap generated from an epistemological matrix that distances a sociological problem from a problem of linguistics (or sociolinguistics)? It is an unfinished debate. On the one hand, there are the studies on social movements that assume discourse analysis as a specific method, and on the other hand, there are discourse studies, which from an empirical basis focus on text and speech analysis in its communicative and socio-political context