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Ecolinguistics or Ecological Linguistics: critical analysis of the discourses on the relationships between the human species and the planet

Dr. César Rojo 
Centre of Discourse Studies

Dr. Francesca Zunino Harper

Dates and Times:

This workshop has been postponed. New dates to be announced. 




60€ (for full workshop)


Complete online registration form

Taller julio 2020.png

About this Workshop

How do we behave with the environment? What are the social representations that we have built around nature and how do they impact the social environment? Without a doubt, discourse crucial molds the relationships established between the human species and the planet.

Until now, the topic of of ecology, nature and the environment, which has various discursive studies in the field called Ecoliguistics, has not been covered in our CDA workshops. The purpose of this workshop is to study the theories and methodologies that exist in the area of ​​Ecolinguistics or Ecological Linguistics and to analyze some discourses from different social contexts such as advertising, politics, history, literature and news in order to see what kind of representations they reproduce about the environment.

The workshop is divided into two parts. First, Dr. César Rojo will introduce Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD), with the purpose of generally observing the various theoretical currents and types of discursive analysis currently being investigated. The second part of the workshop will focus on Ecolinguistics and will be led by Dr. Francesca Zunino Harper, who has various studies and publications on Ecological Linguistics in Europe and Latin America.


Each session lasts 3 hours (with a 10 minute break)

First session

Saturday, July 4th, 2020, 2:00PM (CET) 

Introduction to CDA

-The emergence of CDA.

-Main authors, books and magazines.

-Key concepts of CDA: power, ideology, counter-power, critical analysis. Lines of research. Types of analysis (quantitative, qualitative, textual, sociocognitive, historical, etc.) and levels of analysis (syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, rhetorical, etc.).

-Most researched study topics and topics to investigate.

Second session

Monday, July 6th, 2020, 6:00PM (CET) 

Ecolinguistics: perspectives, history, theories and methodologies

Introduction: Ecolinguistics as a theoretical and critical-constructive analysis perspective.

1. From the integration of ecological issues (ethical, philosophical, identity, etc.) to Applied Linguistics.

2. History of Ecolinguistics: From anthropocentrism to biocentrism of the oikos.
Language and Environment, Deep Ecology, Ecology of Language; gender issues and language of environmental discourse; Literary Ecocritical; Ecolinguistics; Greespeak: Language of Ecology and study of present and past environmental discourse; Environment Language and Language Environment; Critical analysis of discourse about the environment and greenwash (nature, the environment, and social sciences).

3. What is Ecolinguistics today?
The dualism of languages ​​and Ethno-Ecolinguistics.

4. Main levels of ecolinguistic analysis: vocabulary and keywords, grammar, narrations, discourse and discourses, metaphors, temporal dimensions, moral and aesthetic domain.

Third session

Monday, July 13th, 2020, 6:00PM (CET) 

Ecolinguistics, applications, and analysis

1. The dimensions of ecolinguistic analysis: integrated and relational, transdisciplinary, diachronic, comparative, critical-constructive. Not only critical analysis but also advancing proposals for profound change.

2. Examples and analysis exercises: the discourse of the ‘other’, the continents and their anthropo-environmental elements between colonization of the imaginary; green or ecological imperialism, and linguistic imperialism.

From McDonald’s green M and Monsanto ‘green’ advertising to sustainable development ’discourses; from the Genesis of the Old Testament to the glyphs of the pre-Hispanic cities; from the Tribute Registration to the construction of the identities of the people and nature of America: Letters from Columbus about his first trip to the Indies (1493). Maps, the press, macondismo and contemporary global discourse.

Language: Spanish

Certificate: Yes

For more information about this workshop: 

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